Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Joe Woodard

Joe Woodard
As an author, consultant, business coach, and national speaker, Joe has trained over 125,000 accounting and business professionals in areas of practice development, changing technology trends, strategic consulting, and how to maximize the use of accounting software in their practices. In 2012, 2014-2021 Joe was recognized by Accounting Today as one of the Top 100 Influential People within the accounting profession. Joe has been featured repeatedly in Insightful Accountant, Accounting Today and AccountingWEB in both articles and in video interviews. Joe is the managing member of Woodard Events, LLC which provides education, coaching, resources and a Community for small business advisors.
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Recent Posts

Joe Woodard on the AT Podcast—Passive vs. Active Value

I had the pleasure of sitting down face to face with Dan Hood of the Accounting Today podcast in Las Vegas at the...

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A “Less is More” Approach to Practice Success

Accountants and tax professionals face unique challenges, especially during certain times of the year. Corporate income...

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Intuit Unveils AI-Powered Digital Assistant to Transform Small Business and Consumer Experience

In a game-changing move, Intuit® has introduced its first-ever customer-facing generative AI-powered digital assistant...

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Deborah Defer Joins the Woodard™️ Team as Director, CAAS Consulting

I’m excited to tell you about Deborah Defer joining the team, but first, a little context.

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How to Get Your Clients to Pay What You Are Worth

Accountants and bookkeepers are facing significant pricing pressure, seldom earning what they deserve…or even what they...

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5 Struggles of Accountants and Bookkeepers

At Woodard, we interact with over 60,000 accountants and bookkeepers each year through our education programs and...

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Resilience - An Attribute of Accounting Professionals

In an earlier article, I began writing about some positive adjectives that I want you to appropriate as descriptive of...

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Endurance - An Attribute of Accounting Professionals

Words have power. They have the power that we give them - to either benefit us or hurt us. This whole concept of...

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A Practice with Only Ideal Clients: Your Fantasy or Your Future?

I grew up sailing off the shores of Savannah, GA. As a sailing family we were in a constant battle against barnacles....

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