Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Understanding The DOL's Independent Contractor Final Rule—Outsourcing (Part III)

In the final article of this three-part series, we explain why using an outsourcing partner can help accountancy firms...

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In The News - April 22, 2024

In this week’s edition of In The News, we’re thrilled to showcase a summary of our interview with Kelly Richmond Pope...

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How to Integrate Payroll Services into Your Accounting Firm

Most accounting firms are not a great fan of payroll processes. That is why they stick to bookkeeping. One of the major...

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Beginners’ Guide to Agribusiness and Agricultural Payroll

Many think farm payroll is only related to the planting of row crops and the produce that ends up on the dinner table....

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State Retirement Mandates & Colorado SecureSavings

The retirement landscape is changing. As pensions continue to disappear from the private sector and Social Security...

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Lessons From Department of Labor Violations

Reading all government newsletters and tips would mean you could never complete your work! But these newsletters and...

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Year-end Bonuses (and 3 Payroll Must-dos Your Clients Can’t Forget)

‘Tis the season to be generous! If your clients plan on doling out year-end bonuses to their employees, there are a few...

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The Tax Professional’s Guide to the 2021 Form W-2

It’s almost time for year-end tax filings and the rush of getting your clients’ paperwork in order so they’re ready to...

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