Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

You’ve Won the Client, What Next? Your Guide to Onboarding New Business

Onboarding an accountancy client is not just a matter of admin. Done well, it will set you up for a long-lasting and...

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Thoughts on How to Book “GoFundMe” Expenses

One of my clients used their business checking account to pay $150 to a GoFundMe account. I was provided a receipt,...

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TWR Podcast Episode 86: Why Don't Accountants Love Selling?

In the latest episode of The Woodard Report Podcast, Joe Woodard and Heather Satterley speak with renowned author and...

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How to Manage Client Onboarding and Relationships

Client onboarding is a significant milestone for accounting firms when it comes to determining growth and success, but...

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The Top 5 Client Care Metrics for Accountants

Most people have a very specific idea of metrics and KPIs. They think about sales, expenses, and other financial...

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