Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

TWR Podcast Episode 88: Is Bookkeeping Dead?

Is bookkeeping dead? This intriguing, if controversial question is currently a divisive topic in the accounting...

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TWR Podcast Episode 87: Addressing Mental Health With Nicole Davis

Ask any accountant with at least one tax season under their belt—mental health is just as crucial as physical health....

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In The News—May 20, 2024

This week's news highlights include a warning from the IRS about an increase in tax scams, a look at the evolution of...

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Joe Woodard on the AT Podcast—Passive vs. Active Value

I had the pleasure of sitting down face to face with Dan Hood of the Accounting Today podcast in Las Vegas at the...

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TWR Podcast Episode 86: Why Don't Accountants Love Selling?

In the latest episode of The Woodard Report Podcast, Joe Woodard and Heather Satterley speak with renowned author and...

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Unlocking the Secrets of Profitable Accounting Firm Growth

How can your firm stand out and thrive in a world where basic accounting services are increasingly seen as...

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TWR Podcast: Episode 83 - Interview With Kelly Richmond Pope

In this episode of the Woodard Report Podcast, Heather Satterley sat down with Kelly Richmond Pope, an award-winning...

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Michelle Mitchell on Creating Confident Women CEOs - The Woodard Report Podcast

In a recent episode of The Woodard Report podcast, I spoke with Michelle Mitchell, founder of Mitchell Consulting...

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TWR Podcast Episode 70: The Future of M&A in Accounting

In this episode of The Woodard Report podcast, sponsored by Expensify and Fyle, hosts Joe Woodard and Bob Lewis discuss...

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TWR Podcast 69: The Future of CAS

In this episode of The Woodard Report podcast, sponsored by Expensify and Fyle, hosts Joe Woodard and Heather Satterley...

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