Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Norman Axelman

Norman Axelman
Norman Axelman is the founder and President of Advantage Computer Solutions, Inc. based in Miami, FL. Advantage Computer Solutions has been offering computer training and consulting to individuals and businesses for the past 15 years, saving clients thousands of hours of time. With over 25 years of professional experience, Norman provides an outstanding level of computer training with a focus on useful and practical day-to-day features and functions. This has resulted in increased efficiency and productivity, and as a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, has helped many clients with set up and use of QuickBooks programs. Norman is currently an adjunct professor for the Miami Dade College School of Continuing Education, and is accredited by the State of Florida to teach Continuing Education computer classes for licensed Community Association Managers. Over the years, he has created and delivered numerous presentations and classes for various organizations, companies, and schools including the University of Miami, Florida International University and City College of Miami.




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