Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

A Quick Guide for Your Clients on Accounts and Sub-accounts

For a large portion of the population, accounting is hard. You’ve got transactions to track, accounts to separate...

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Intuit Q&A: QBO & Mailchimp Integration

Last month, Intuit formally closed on its acquisition of Mailchimp. We reached out to Intuit to ask a few questions...

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4 Year-End Accounting Reports to Pull

Between the holidays and year-end accounting tasks, the end of the year is a busy time for both you and your clients....

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What Clients Should Know About COVID Disaster Loans

Whether your clients are applying for a new disaster loan or need information during the repayment process, there is a...

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Intuit Reveals New Innovations for the QuickBooks Online Ecosystem

Intuit revealed new improvements across the QuickBooks ecosystem at the annual QuickBooks Connect event. These...

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8 Reports That Should Be in Your Cloud Accounting Software

As an accounting professional, you know the importance of reports. After all, financial reports give you the necessary...

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8 Features Your Cloud Accounting Needs

Cloud accounting is chock-full of perks, like on-the-go access and secure information storage, for you and your...

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5 Common Accounting Mistakes Business Owners Make (& How to Avoid Them)

Your clients aren’t accounting professionals. Thankfully, you are. In an ideal world, your clients would come to you...

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Shopify: How to Gross Up Sales Using Zero Dollar Checks

I have a few clients who use Shopify for their website’s shopping cart. They are selling services, not products. My...

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Ready for New QuickBooks Training and Certification?

Intuit has just announced a new training and certification program. Successful completion of QuickBooks certification...

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