Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Quickbooks Connect, Are You Ready?

It has been since 2019 that Quickbooks has done an in-person event. I have attended for many years and have gained so...

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Implementing Is Hard! But Worth It

It is hard to believe that it has already been a few months since Scaling New Heights, where we made amazing...

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The Before, During, and After Approach to Client Conflict Resolution

If you work in accounting, bookkeeping, or any professional services job long enough, you’ll probably find yourself in...

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Celebrating the Wins

In January of 2022, I completed a goal that was years in the making. On the morning of my birthday, I took a walk on...

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Zero Inbox: Important and Achievable!

One of the greatest stressors for professionals is the need to get things done. Doing the work typically doesn't cause...

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Profiles of Top Voices in Accounting, Bookkeeping and Small Business

Every now and then you come across someone who has a story that really resonates with you. You want to know more about...

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Being the Ideal You to Build Your Ideal Practice

Not long ago in another article in The Woodard Report, I asked a series of questions about just how happy you are with...

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The Benefits of Rowing With a Coach

According to the Small Business Administration, there are a little over 30 million small businesses in the United...

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Information You Missed During Busy Season

We know you've missed out on a lot over the past weeks, both personally and professionally. Read on for the most...

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