Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Patricia Hendrix

Patricia Hendrix
In her role as Director of Woodard Institute, Patricia Hendrix and her team of elite practice coaches empower hundreds of accounting and bookkeeping practices each year in the areas of practice management, practice growth and advisory skills. Her impact on these practices is transformative, resulting in a significant increase in profitability, work/life harmonization, innovation, modernization, and practice valuation. As Producer of Tech Makeover (Woodard's Reality TV-Style Video case study series) Patricia reaches tens of thousands of small business advisors, inspiring them to have a transformative impact on their clients through comprehensive technology advisory. Patricia has been Certified and Advanced Certified in QuickBooks since Intuit's QuickBooks ProAdvisor program began, and was the first to receive the Master Certification from the National Advisor Network. As well as being rated a "TOP 100 Advisor" by Insightful Accountant for 4 consecutive years, she is the founder and CEO of Ten Key Business Solutions, Inc, a 10-year veteran of Vistage International and a forever student of leadership, business management, parenting, and overall life management through spiritual awareness and the uplifting empowerment of others.
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