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The Price Is Right: Woodard to Debut New Course on Pricing Models

Matt Raebel
Posted by Matt Raebel on Aug 20, 2024 3:00:00 PM

One of the most critical aspects of running a successful accounting and bookkeeping firm is getting your pricing right. The question is, how do you determine the pricing model that fits both your business and your clients?

Solving this puzzle will mean different things for different firms and requires a deep understanding of pricing strategies explicitly tailored for accounting services.

That’s where our new course, "Building Pricing Models for Accounting Services," comes in.

Why pricing models matter

Finding the ideal pricing model for your firm is a strategic decision that impacts every part of your business. From profitability to client satisfaction, how you price your services is an invaluable part of setting your firm up for lasting growth and stability.

An effective pricing model can help you:

1. Maximize profitability.

You provide valuable services that not everyone can provide—services no one can provide quite like you. Charging what you’re actually worth ensures that you’re maximizing your profits.

2. Improve client relationships.

Earn your client’s trust by billing them through a pricing model that works for them and you.

3. Differentiate your firm.

Stand out in a competitive market by offering pricing options that reflect the unique value of your services.

4. Sustain growth.

With the right pricing model, you can scale your firm efficiently and set yourself up for long-term success.

What you’ll learn

Our course is designed to guide you through the entire process of building pricing models that work for your firm. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing pricing strategy, this course has something for everyone.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll cover:

Understanding value-based pricing.

Learn how to price your services based on the true value they deliver to your clients rather than just billing for time.

Exploring different pricing models.

We’ll also explore other models like fixed pricing, hourly billing, and subscription-based pricing, helping you choose the one that best fits your firm.

Implementing pricing strategies.

Get practical tips on how to introduce new pricing models to your clients and transition smoothly.

Customizing pricing for your services.

Discover how to tailor your pricing model to the specific needs of your clients and the unique aspects of your services.

Who should attend this course?

Are you a client accounting services (CAS) professional or firm owner who wants to ensure your services are priced competitively and profitably? Then this course was made for you!

Whether you’re a solo practitioner or managing a larger firm, understanding and applying the principles taught in this course will help you make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

What do I gain from learning about pricing models?

By the end of this course, you’ll walk away with a clear, actionable plan for pricing your services. You will also have the confidence to implement pricing models that align with your business goals and deliver consistent value to your clients.

Plus, you’ll gain access to a community of like-minded professionals who are also focused on enhancing their pricing strategies.

Transform your firm’s pricing model

Register now for the "Building Pricing Models for Accounting Services" course and take the first step towards a more profitable and sustainable business model.

Let us help you unlock the full potential of your accounting services with pricing models that work for you and your clients. See you there!

Topics: Practice Management, Practice Growth, Professional Development


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