Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

How Do Inventory Risks Impact a Business?

For any business that deals in physical products, inventory is one of the biggest factors that can impact its financial...

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5 Key Benefits of Inventory Accounting For Ecommerce Businesses

The very nature of e-commerce revolves around inventory. There has to be enough of it in storage to cover online orders...

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What Does Economic Order Quantity Mean and Why Is It Important?

Economic Order Quantity, commonly known as EOQ, is a mathematical model designed to help companies strike a balance...

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How Does Inventory Management Affect Cash Flow?

It takes having enough liquid cash flow to pay all expenses such as employee salaries and equipment maintenance to run...

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Demand Forecasting for the Modern Supply Chain

Demand forecasting is a strategic imperative for businesses navigating today's marketplace. Because of supply chains...

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Inventory Optimization 101: The Techniques You Need to Know

Inventory optimization brings many benefits to the table, one of them being recession-proofing. When it’s done...

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4 Benefits of Syncing Your Inventory and Accounting Software

An inventory software solution helps your clients track all their expenditures (sales, profits, losses). But although...

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Absorption Costing

Absorption costing is viewed as the cornerstone of cost accounting in manufacturing businesses and plays a pivotal role...

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