Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Enhance Internal Controls with American Express Virtual Cards

What If You Could Issue Virtual Cards On Your Client’s Existing American Express Credit Line? 

Are your clients with...

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How to Create PowerPoint Presentations with Microsoft Copilot

Copilot is a super helpful tool for people who need to make presentations and use information well. It's like having an...

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How to Use Microsoft Copilot with Email

Everyone needs a little help during challenging times. And email is challenging! There’s help to tackle your...

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Copilot in Word: Create a Proposal

Copilot has quickly become a solid go-to resource for assistance in business tasks and intelligence gathering. The...

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Data Security for Accounting Firms

In today's digital world, keeping accounting data safe isn’t just a smart move for customer satisfaction - it's often...

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Using Copilot for Microsoft Teams Meetings

If you’re like me, you spend the day “meeting hopping” while having little time to capture action items and notes. In...

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What Does Copilot Mean for Your Accounting Firm?

Our daily grind dims our creative light. To those outside the accounting profession, many are surprised to learn that...

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Joe Woodard Interviews Dr. Michio Kaku on The Woodard Report Podcast

Imagine the possibility of being in two places at once. It may sound like science fiction, but it isn’t as far from...

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Top Accounting Firm Software Trends to Watch in 2024

The fundamental objectives of accounting have remained largely the same over time: help clients get a better handle on...

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How to Keep Your Accounting Software Costs Low in 2024

How much does your practice spend on software? More importantly, how much has this increased over the last three years?

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