Banner image for Scaling New Heights 2024, the premier accounting technology conference in the United States. The image features the conference theme and dates.

Maria Tanski-Phillips

Maria Tanski-Phillips
Maria Tanski-Phillips is a Content Writer at Patriot Software, LLC. Patriot Software offers online accounting software and payroll for business owners and their accountants. At Patriot, Maria enjoys providing helpful and practical content for business owners.
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6 Factors That Go into Accounting Software Cost

When you’re shopping for accounting software for your firm or clients, chances are one of the first things you’ll look...

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8 Factors to Consider When Choosing Accounting Software

Whether you’re looking for accounting software for your firm or wanting to team up with a provider to help manage your...

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8 Common Payroll Mistakes You and Your Clients Must Avoid

Everybody makes mistakes. After all, it’s part of being human. Accountants and clients alike are susceptible to making...

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Four Reasons to Offer Payroll Services

You are so much more than just an accountant or bookkeeper. You’re also your clients’ advisor and supporter. Clients...

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How to Connect With Your Clients in a Remote Era

This past year has been a wild ride for business owners … and their accountants. If you fall into the majority, your...

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Invoicing Customers in Patriot Software

The first step to getting paid is creating and sending an invoice to your customer. To streamline the invoicing...

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How to Set Up Your Client's Payroll

If you’re bringing on a new payroll client, you need a reliable and accurate way to run payrolls. But unfortunately,...

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Extinction of the Accounting App

In this technological age, things are constantly evolving and changing. One minute something is all the rage, and the...

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Payroll Taxes: A 6-Minute Read

Withholding taxes is all part of being an employer. And you cannot just withhold one type of tax and be on your merry...

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