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TWR Podcast Episode 97:  Reimagining DEI with Jina Etienne

Heather Satterley
Posted by Heather Satterley on Oct 17, 2024 11:30:26 AM

Jina Etienne, CEO of Etienne Consulting, envisions a world where we approach differences with curiosity and create brave spaces that encourage authentic exploration of inclusivity and belonging. In a recent episode of The Woodard Report podcast, hosted by Joe Woodard, Jina shares her fresh perspective on reimagining DEI, breaking down misconceptions, and fostering meaningful dialogue in the accounting profession and beyond.

The Work: A broader perspective on DEI

Jina Etienne emphasizes that DEI is about more than just race—it’s about creating spaces of connection, safety, and trust where everyone can thrive regardless of their background. During her conversation with Joe, she explains that the DEI discussion often leaves people feeling excluded or defensive, particularly when concepts like "privilege" or "equity" are weaponized in the discourse. Instead, she proposes a reimagined vision of DEI, one that focuses on inclusivity as "the work"—a practical effort to make spaces more welcoming for everyone.

Joe supports this idea by pointing out how DEI has, in some instances, become an uncomfortable topic associated with guilt or blame, which can shut down the conversation. Jina counters this with a powerful message: DEI is for everyone. It’s not about pointing fingers; it’s about recognizing our differences, understanding the challenges, and collectively striving for a better workplace culture.

Belonging as the goal

One of the key points Jina makes is about the distinction between "inclusion" and "belonging." She stresses that inclusion is an action—it’s about behaving in ways that ensure others feel safe and welcome. Belonging, in turn, is the outcome: when people feel seen, heard, and valued, they naturally experience a sense of belonging.

Jina shares how essential it is to decouple these concepts so they aren't conflated, making them easier to approach and work towards. Belonging shouldn’t just be a buzzword; it should be the felt result of intentional efforts to include others.

Neurodiversity and rethinking inclusion

In addition to traditional DEI topics, Jina also discusses neurodiversity—a term that refers to the variety of ways people experience and process the world around them. She explains that neurodiversity isn't a weakness, and by understanding and embracing it, we can unlock unique strengths and "superpowers" in people that might otherwise go unrecognized. By focusing on the broader range of human experiences, from neurodivergence to cultural differences, Jina emphasizes that diversity is far richer and more valuable than many currently understand.

Making DEI relatable and sustainable

Joe asks Jina how we can make DEI more approachable and relatable, particularly in environments where the topic feels fraught. Jina’s answer is simple yet profound: we need to start with empathy and mindfulness. By acting with intention—by focusing on everyday behaviors that foster inclusivity—we create the conditions that enable belonging.

She suggests that moving away from guilt and defensiveness is crucial. Instead of focusing on blame, we should focus on actions that help build each other up. This mindset shift can help dismantle the divisive barriers that often impede progress in the realm of DEI.

A call to action for accounting professionals

In her work with accounting firms and other organizations, Jina encourages a different kind of conversation—one that is compassionate, mindful, and inclusive of all perspectives. For accounting professionals, this means approaching DEI with a focus on building resilient teams where everyone feels empowered to contribute their best. This shift isn't just about enhancing company culture; it’s also about driving better business outcomes, as inclusivity can boost recruitment, retention, and performance.

Listen to the full conversation

If you're ready to rethink what DEI could mean in your professional life, don't miss this insightful conversation with Jina Etienne. You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of what "the work" looks like and how we can collectively contribute to creating more inclusive spaces.

Listen to the full episode here or check out Jina's recent blog posts and podcast appearances:

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