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Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Award Firm Spotlight: Net Result

Matt Raebel
Posted by Matt Raebel on May 31, 2024 2:57:24 PM

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) refers to a collection of practices aimed at measuring an organization’s social and environmental impact to guide its practices towards improving its positive impact and mitigating or eliminating its negative effects. 

All of our 2023 Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Practice Award-winners strive to have a positive impact on their clients. However, when it comes to promoting ESG practices specifically, accounting entrepreneur James Cliame’s firm Net Result stands out.

Empowering small to medium construction firms to go green

james-cliame-profileJames Cliame

Cliame founded Net Result, consisting of himself and one other colleague, in 1995. Since then, Net Result has consistently filled an impactful niche by creating QuickBooks and Xero solutions for small-to-medium-sized businesses. Specializing in untangling knots related to job and product costing, forecasting, cash flow projections, advanced inventory needs, and manufacturing issues, Net Result’s technical know-how and vision have empowered countless clients.

Cliame is passionate about encouraging both clients and colleagues to adopt ESG resources and practices. As a 2023 winner of the Top 50 CAS Practice Awards, he plans to leverage his expertise to pursue his mission even further. “I hope I can evangelize green, eco-friendly vibes more to all in the accounting space,” he said.

Celebrating achievements at Scaling New Heights

The winners of this award were announced at the annual Scaling New Heights® conference in 2023. Joe Woodard, founder and CEO of Woodard®️, emphasized the importance of adapting to the profession's significant disruptions and innovating and paving new pathways to support and transform business clients. With its innovative approach and commitment to clients, Net Result has done just that. 

The Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Practice Awardsrigorous evaluation process involves an expert panel of external consultants and Woodard's own team of bookkeeping and practice coaches, ensuring that the award truly recognizes the industry's top-tier performers. 

As we celebrate Net Result’s accomplishments, we look forward to seeing what amazing innovations this firm brings to the industry in the future. 

Learn more about James’ commitment to clients, innovative approach to supporting businesses, and more by checking out his LinkedIn profile here.

Topics: Woodard Top 50 Client Accounting Services Firms


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