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Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Award Firm Spotlight: 5 Star Accounting & Business Solutions

Matt Raebel
Posted by Matt Raebel on Jun 28, 2024 3:00:00 PM

As the world becomes more complex, the client accounting services (CAS) industry becomes more competitive. The Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Practice Awards seek to celebrate firms that exemplify excellence in service and innovation—firms like 5 Star Accounting & Business Solutions

Founded by Genevieve Maiorana in 2010, the company has consistently demonstrated a commitment to exceptional client service and integrity, winning the award in 2023 and 2024.

Helping businesses unlock their potential since 2010

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5 Star Accounting & Business Solutions is dedicated to providing high-quality accounting and business consulting services tailored to the unique needs of small and mid-sized businesses. The five-person firm offers comprehensive services, including bookkeeping, payroll management, tax preparation, and financial advisory, ensuring that clients receive accurate and timely financial information crucial for informed decision-making. The firm also leverages data to help businesses streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth.

The firm is also characterized by its emphasis on building long-term relationships with clients and providing personalized and proactive support to help them navigate complex financial landscapes. With this approach, 5 Star Accounting & Business Solutions has earned a stellar reputation.

“Winning the Top 50 Client Accounting Services award symbolizes far more than just recognition,” said Genevieve Maiorana. “It stands as a testament to our firm's unwavering commitment to precision, integrity, excellence, and the invaluable support we've received along the way.

“In recent years of our journey, we've benefited immensely from insightful business coaching and mentorship with Woodard. This guidance has not only honed our skills, but also enriched our understanding of industry best practices and strategic foresight."

Celebrating achievements at Scaling New Heights

Joe Woodard, founder and CEO of Woodard®️, emphasized the importance of adapting to the profession's significant disruptions and innovating and paving new pathways to support and transform business clients. With its innovative approach and commitment to clients, 5 Star Accounting has done just that.

The Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Practice Awardsrigorous evaluation process involves an expert panel of external consultants and Woodard's own team of bookkeeping and practice coaches, ensuring that the award truly recognizes the industry's top-tier performers.

As we celebrate 5 Star Accounting’s accomplishments, we look forward to seeing what unique innovations this firm brings to the industry in the future.

Learn more about their commitment to clients, innovative approach to supporting businesses, and hardworking team here.

Topics: Woodard Top 50 Client Accounting Services Firms


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