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Overcoming Legacy Client Resistance: Dawn Brolin to Join Heather Satterley for a Fireside Chat

The Woodard Report Team
Posted by The Woodard Report Team on Oct 10, 2024 11:16:43 AM

Transitioning legacy clients from compliance-focused services to more advisory-based offerings isn't always straightforward. Many accounting professionals face the challenge of shifting clients who have become comfortable with the familiar rhythm of compliance work. For these clients, embracing new advisory services can feel daunting or even unnecessary. To help bridge this gap, we’re hosting a fireside chat with Dawn Brolin, CPA, CFE, and Heather Satterley on October 17, 2024, at 1:00 PM EST, where we'll explore strategies to guide clients toward the next level of service.

Identifying Openness in Legacy Clients

One of the first steps in overcoming client resistance is understanding which clients might be open to change. Not all clients are equally ready to adopt new methodologies, and targeting the right ones is crucial. Dawn and Heather will discuss specific characteristics that might indicate a legacy client is prepared to explore advisory services. Some key indicators include clients who have recently expressed frustration with their current business results, asked for additional insights into their finances, or have shown interest in industry trends. These are often signs that they could benefit from more proactive and strategic support beyond traditional compliance.

Effective Strategies for Transitioning Clients

It’s not just about identifying which clients to target; it’s also about how to engage them. Dawn and Heather will dive into practical approaches for making the shift from compliance to advisory. They’ll discuss the importance of speaking the client’s language—translating numbers into stories that resonate and demonstrating how strategic advice can directly address a client’s business pain points.

One particularly effective strategy they’ll explore involves showcasing small advisory wins. For example, helping a client create a cash flow forecast and then using that to improve their operational planning can highlight the tangible benefits of advisory work. Starting with small, manageable projects not only demonstrates value but also builds the client’s trust and comfort in this new type of service.

Managing Resistance and Facilitating Adoption

Despite best efforts, client resistance is inevitable. Dawn and Heather will share insights into managing that resistance with empathy and patience. They’ll discuss how to listen actively to understand underlying hesitations—whether it's fear of increased costs, a lack of familiarity, or simply a resistance to change. Understanding the "why" behind a client’s reluctance allows accountants to address their concerns more directly and effectively.

Additionally, they’ll talk about framing advisory services as a natural evolution of your relationship rather than a sudden overhaul. Positioning these services as a way to deepen the value you already provide can help legacy clients see this transition as a partnership aimed at their growth and success.

Join the Conversation

This fireside chat is an opportunity for accounting professionals to gather practical insights and actionable strategies. Heather and Dawn bring decades of experience working with clients who vary widely in their openness to advisory roles. Their perspectives will help you navigate the nuanced process of client transformation with empathy, clarity, and confidence.

If you’ve been wondering how to overcome resistance and successfully transition your clients to a more strategic partnership, don’t miss this event. Let’s move forward together, empowering clients to see beyond compliance and unlock the potential of proactive, advisory-driven success.

Register today and be part of this transformative conversation!

Topics: Financial Advisory


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