Susan Bryant
Susan is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Tax Coach with a passion for positive change. She works with business owners to help them achieve their dreams by professionalizing the finance function within their organizations. She knows that when leaders of businesses get accurate reliable accounting data combined with advanced tax planning and strategic advisory services, that it’s a real game changer in propelling the business forward. For the past 15 years, Susan has served her clients in a variety of capacities with her favorite roles being the architect of accounting processes, M&A advisor, and tax strategist. As co-owner and Principal of MB Group, a CPA firm headquartered out of Plano, TX, she’s working alongside her business partner and talented team to make public accounting awesome again. MB Group’s people-first focus landed the firm on the prestigious Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces line up for 2022 with a special article highlighting how they are humanizing accounting work and creating an environment that accelerates each employee towards their professional and personal goals. Susan considers herself to be a fierce advocate for the accounting profession which has earned her a spot in Ignition’s 2021 Top 50 Women in Accounting. She is also a member of the Accounting Influencers Roundtable and a frequent guest on business and accounting podcasts.
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It’s been said that everything in life is temporary, so why are accountants so averse to change? In our profession, we...
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