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5 Marketing Trends Firms Can Use in 2024

Morgan Hines
Posted by Morgan Hines on Jan 31, 2024 10:32:53 AM

Firm marketing trends happen because clients change over time. People adopt new technologies and ways of doing things. Marketing simply adapts to this change to connect with the audience efficiently. Staying up-to-date on trends is vital for practical marketing efforts. It helps improve visibility and engage clients with your solutions. 

But here's the thing - you don't have to know about 20 or 50 marketing trends to succeed with today's financial services clients. You need to know about 5. Here they are!

Trend 1: Personalized Content Marketing 

Content marketing is the act of reaching and connecting with your audience. It involves converting them to clients by providing helpful content online. Overwhelmingly, this is how modern clients prefer to be marketed - and content works! 

62% of B2B decision-makers say high-quality content drives their buying choices. Content marketing generates 3X the leads of traditional marketing methods. 

Personalized content allows you to target a particular audience. You can lean into client preferences and deliver targeted, relevant content. You'll speak directly to their problems and how you can help. When something is highly relevant, people see, click, engage, and look forward to more of it. 

87% of marketers say personalization of content delivers positive ROI. 60% of people say they are loyal to companies that offer personalized content experiences. 

Trend 2: Video Marketing for Engagement 

Video content is great for capturing attention, especially on social media. Movement holds attention for at least a few seconds, guaranteed. Do something notable in the first 3 seconds, and they'll keep watching. 

According to LinkedIn, videos get 2X the engagement of other types of content. Video calls to action get 380% more clicks than stationary content. Those who watch a video about a product/service are 85% more likely to buy. 

Two specific kinds of video content are highly effective with firm clients. 

First, you need educational videos. Over the past few years, searches for "how-to videos" increased by 77% yearly. Put your GAAP knowledge to work by showcasing bite-size pieces of what you do for clients. By helping with the little things, you engage them in your services and experience. 

Next, client testimonials build trust. A testimonial can be short and to the point. Consider sitting down with a client for an interview. It can be done in real life or virtually. Break up the interview into chunks to share on social media. 

Trend 3: Social Media Strategies for Accountants 

Social media allows you to lean into: 

  • Thought leadership. Become a trusted voice in the area of accounting and financial advisory. 
  • Community engagement. Demonstrate your connection to the local community and commitment to local business success. 
  • Targeted ads. Adapt your campaign to reach a larger or smaller audience based on your goals. Grow your client base in an industry, audience, and local area. This keeps your ad costs low while reaching your most likely clients. 
  • A tailored approach. Consider who your audience is. Research the companies they engage with on social media platforms. Create an authentic yet appealing voice through your social media content. 

Trend 4: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Local Visibility 

People should see your firm when searching for your services on Google. Your firm gets involved in the conversation, increasing visibility. It also reduces the risk of losing clients to competitors. 

Search engine optimization is about showing Google your website is relevant. Your website needs to be the most authoritative on the topic. You don't have to compete nationally to be visible. Google prefers local companies like yours. 

Like in the real world, it's easier to dominate locally with local SEO and then expand to a national or global scale. 

Trend 5: Interactive and Immersive Content 

Business owners are just regular people. Most people love quizzes, calculators, and virtual experiences. Not only do these engage people. Analytics can help you understand their behaviors, needs, and preferences. You can learn this by observing how they interact with the widget. 

Use it to engage audiences and show them what to expect from your firm. 

The Role of Software Tools in Marketing Trends for Accounting Firms 

Tools can streamline your marketing efforts if you leverage them correctly. 

Use data analytics software to learn how people interact with your content, website, and social media. Get a CRM system. It centralizes client information and allows multiple team members to access and use it. This enhances client experiences. 

Establish a content schedule to publish on social media and your website regularly. Business software can assist you in several ways. It can help you respond to comments, create and post across platforms, manage your reviews, and automate publishing.  

You can easily manage your impactful online presence with the right business software.  

Marketing trends happen because people change and adapt to new technologies. They begin to expect more targeted and relevant experiences, and you quickly become invisible if you don't keep up.  

Feeling overwhelmed by marketing trends for 2024? Explore business software. It can make growing an online presence easier and start turning online engagement into firm growth. 


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Topics: Practice Growth


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