The Woodard Report

Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Award Firm Spotlight: To The Rescue Bookkeeping, LLC

Written by Matt Raebel | Jun 7, 2024 7:00:00 PM

Bookkeeping, tax preparation, compliance—managing the financials of a small firm can be overwhelming. Thankfully, the accounting field is full of firms that specialize in supporting small organizations, rescuing them from financial stress and freeing them up to focus on running and growing their businesses.

One such firm, To The Rescue Bookkeeping LLC, was highlighted in 2023 and 2024 in the Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Practice Awards for its consistent track record of rescuing its clients from financial liabilities by providing top-tier financial solutions.

Bookkeeping and business advisory services with a personal touch

To The Rescue Bookkeeping was founded in 2006 by Hope Blankenship. A year later, she hired her first employee, Amber Berry, now the firm’s co-owner. Today, the organization’s team consists of nine employees across four states. To The Rescue also has two field offices located in Biloxi, Mississippi, and Wichita, Kansas, respectively.

The firm owes its success to its unique client-centric approach. It gets to know its clients first before tailoring its services—including bookkeeping and accounting, advisory, and training services—to their needs. Whether that means lending its expertise to provide full-service bookkeeping, CFO/controller services, or strategic accounting advisory services, To The Rescue has shown that it is aptly-named. 

Reflecting on the award, Blankenship said that “winning the Top 50 Client Accounting Services award is a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation in business accounting services. It also shows the trust we have earned from our valued partners, like Woodard. Being among the elite 50 firms nationwide showcases our leadership in the industry, our ability to deliver unparalleled service, and our continuous drive to exceed client expectations.”

Blankenship said that the award inspired her team to further enhance its offerings and strive to provide services to its clients at an even higher level (while maintaining a fun attitude). The team celebrated by taking an offsite weekend trip together.

Hope Blankenship and some of the To The Rescue Bookkeeping team


Celebrating achievements at Scaling New Heights

The winners of this award were announced at the annual Scaling New Heights® conference in 2023. Joe Woodard, founder and CEO of Woodard®️, emphasized the importance of adapting to the profession's significant disruptions and innovating and paving new pathways to support and transform business clients. With its innovative approach and commitment to clients, To The Rescue Bookkeeping has done just that. 

The Woodard®️ Top 50 Client Accounting Services Practice Awards‘ rigorous evaluation process involves an expert panel of external consultants and Woodard's own team of bookkeeping and practice coaches, ensuring that the award truly recognizes the industry's top-tier performers. 

As we celebrate To The Rescue Bookkeeping’s accomplishments, we look forward to seeing what unique innovations this firm brings to the industry in the future. 

Learn more about their commitment to clients, innovative approach to supporting businesses, and hardworking team here.