The Woodard Report

Human Touch in a Digital World—Combining Both in Accounting Businesses

Written by Maanoj Shah | May 30, 2024 7:00:00 PM

The accounting and finance industry is currently undergoing many transformations. Artificial intelligence tops the list.

AI promises to improve turnaround time and the quality of results. However, if we ever want to completely replace human expertise and judgment in a niche field like this, it wouldn’t help us get the results we are looking for. Human monitoring remains key in ensuring the accuracy of AI output.

There is no reason why AI should be treated as an expert co-worker; it is merely a supporting aid that can enhance human capabilities. Accountability remains key, and AI is incapable of taking charge because it can generate incorrect results.

The future of the accounting profession is a collaborative one. Here, AI and humans work together to deliver the best possible results.

51% of accounting professionals think generative AI should be used in tax, auditing, and accounting. Many believe the trick lies in finding the balance between AI and human judgment.

In this context, let us understand what customers want from accounting firms.

1. Accounting customers do not consider digital the most important channel.

Most accounting firms constantly strive to automate processes—from regular tasks to communication.

Accounting has always been a traditional field. Truth be told, most customers have not been able to steer away completely from that. Many accounting firms, as do clients, still rely on some age-old conversation and communication methods. Some clients still prefer talking to their accountants or accounting firms on the phone—because it is about “money” and is confidential. They still prefer human-based channels like email and live chat.

Accounting firms need to understand and know which channels their clients prefer and make them a priority.

2. When it comes to “important money matters,” they still want to speak to someone.

Automation is on the rise. While that is great in many ways, there should still be avenues to contact humans if needed.

The accounting and finance industry is complex, and regulatory compliance and fines are always risks. Hence, clients are constantly worrying. While customers are okay with seeking long-drawn information online, they hate to wait for urgent matters. They might not always need the human touch, but they do need it. Investing in human channels for key information might be more important than you think.

3. Automation should be used to support customer satisfaction and not drive it.

Automating the simplest things can make a huge difference for customers. Technology has been implemented in many parts of accounting, audit, and advisory processes, but this shouldn’t come at the cost of the human touch in your customer service plan and strategy. In fact, automation should be used to relieve your teams from the ad hoc work, allowing them to focus on customer satisfaction.

The customer is the king, and they shouldn’t have to struggle to meet their business needs and goals.

4. Human relationships make an impact in the digital age.

Digital channels are carriers of new opportunities. They are designed to make the lives of accountants easy. However, human expertise, judgment, and ability to spot exceptions and make important decisions are irreplaceable.

Building strong human connections is more important than ever. With access to more information, clients need expert insight to make an informed decision. The art of personalization and customization is held in high regard. Accounting firms should use digitalization as their weapon to gain an edge over their competition.

What can firms do to gain maximum benefit?

1. Use digital tools for routine tasks.

Accounting firms conduct repetitive and routine tasks in bulk. Automation and artificial intelligence can most certainly ease this aspect of the business.
By automating tasks like bookkeeping, reconciliation, taxation, accounts receivable and payable, etc., accounting firms can find more time to concentrate on more revenue-generating tasks.

Several tools like Quickbooks, Xero, Expensify and Receipt Bank, and Gusto or ADP are available for different tasks that can help reduce the time spent on manual processes. By doing this, accounting firms can focus on value-added activities to improve overall productivity and efficiency.

2. Improve client communication.

As international boundaries continue to blur, it is often difficult to meet clients face-to-face daily. Communication tools like Zoom, Teams, and Slack are a great way to stay connected. These tools make virtual meetings easy and secure while helping build strong personal connections. These client portals are secure and safe for uploading documents, accessing financial information, and communicating. Automation for updates and reminders also helps clients stay informed of important deadlines and financial milestones.

3. Use data analytics for important insights.

Every firm needs data analytics tools to transform raw financial data into valuable insights that can be tailored to clients' needs. Analyzing financial trends and patterns helps accounting firms provide informed advice on cash flow management, cost reduction, and growth strategies. This also helps set and analyze benchmarks against industry standards and use them to forecast the future.

The personalized approach helps firms add value and allows clients to see you for your expertise.

4. Offer advisory services.

Gone are the days when accounting firms were expected to merely complete their routine jobs. Today, clients also use accounting firms for advisory services.

Accounting firms can build deeper, more meaningful, and long-lasting relationships by positioning themselves as proactive partners. Regular check-ins to discuss financial health and address concerns help clients understand your commitment towards their business and willingness to help.

Blending the human touch with digitalization in the accounting business

Every business needs an accountant or an accounting firm. While firms need to leverage this, keeping up with the changing needs is also key. Embracing automation and artificial intelligence through digital platforms helps firms gain an edge in the highly competitive world.

On the other hand, using human expertise also helps firms stand out in an industry where everything is automated. The perfect blend of tech and a human touch can be witnessed when you outsource your accounting practice to a team of highly experienced professionals. Stay focused on things that matter and keep making a difference.

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