The Woodard Report

How Non-Attendees Can Get the Most From Scaling New Heights

Written by Cathy Roth | Jun 13, 2022 5:10:46 PM

Not being at Scaling New Heights this year doesn't you won't get any benefits at all. Obviously, the benefits of attending far outweigh those of remaining at the office, but there is still valuable information and news that you will be able to access for free from your computer. Here is how.

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Here is an overview of the education, information and news you will get from Scaling New Heights. 

Vendor Profiles

Beginning on the first day of the conference (Sunday, June 19), we will provide profiles of the vendors at Scaling New Heights and will continue each day through the conference. Set aside time each day to explore these technology and service providers and find solutions that will help you and your clients. 

Leslie Liondas, CPA shared this hint about making the most of the conference in terms of technology exploration for attendees, and the hint works for non-attendees as well. 

Ask yourself these questions before you begin your exploration:

  • What is painful in my practice that new technology will help with?
  • Do I have time to implement it?
  • What exactly am I looking to solve?
  • What technology am I trying to solve for my firm?
  • What technology am I trying to solve for my clients?

Thought Leadership

For me, conferences are all about thought leadership. I've always believed that you should learn something new every day and listening to thought leaders not only teaches you something new but also can provide inspiration at the same time. 

Starting on Monday, I will highlight at least one thought leader that I've had the opportunity to chat with one-on-one in person. There are quite a few interviews scheduled, so the conversation will be highlighted over several weeks to come.


There simply is no way to replace the education from attending Scaling New Heights in person, and I won't even try to do that. What we will do is have an article each day with tidbits of information gleaned from the education

Miscellaneous Articles

Do you like knowing "how they make it"? We will share pictures and details from behind the scenes, ranging from the work it takes to get ready for the first attendee to arrive all the way through pack up.

Are you interested in the announcements made from the main stage presentations? We will share those as well. 

What do you want to know?

Please tell me. Use the comment form at the bottom of this article to ask your questions about what is happening at the conference. Your question may appear in the next day's article! 


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